about me

tracy a. cross

Tracy Cross’s work has been featured in several podcasts, including ‘Nighty Night with Rabia Chaudry (advocate and author of the New York Times bestselling book “Adnan’s Story”). Her work can be found in several anthologies, including Don’t Break the Oath, Pandemics Unleashed and 99 Tiny Terrors. Her first book, Rootwork, a folk horror homage to her late grandmother, will be published in the fall of 2022. Tracy understands what it feels like to be the 21st Century invisible woman. She creates strong female characters to debunk the stereotype that women should be seen and not heard. Her protagonists are strong, Black women, that any reader can see and support. She describes her writing as “exciting stories with breadcrumbs” that lead the reader to an unexpected yet rewarding ending. Tracy has been the recipient of the Horror Writer’s Association Scholarship from Hell in 2022, a grant from the Ladies of Horror Fiction, the 2019 New Voices Fellowship from the Emerging Writers Festival and participated in a Residency with Under the Volcano in Mexico. She lives in Washington, DC, is an active member of the HWA, and is a huge Prince fan. She loves disco and shares her latest exploits and information on her blog: tracycwritesonline.com

Other notable facts about Tracy:

She has a weakness for chocolate ganache, fried perch, Marvel and DC Comic books. She is a self proclaimed movie loving nerd that has a strange memory. She has the knack for quoting random lines from movies with her family. She also is the person everyone calls when they need to know a random pop culture quote, fact or song. 

She is a huge Prince fan and loves disco. 

Who doesn’t like The Purge?